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ADD: Electeicity Valley Tech Centre, No.3088 LeKai Street, Hi-tech Zone, Baoding, HeBei,China
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UHV and pressure equipmentCurrent Location:Home > PRODUCTS

UHV relay protection vector debugging simulation test device


1. Highly integrated, on-vehicle test:

2. Output three-phase symmetrical, asymmetrical analog vector;

3. Display the reference standard values of vector parameters such as output voltage, current and angle;

4. Reactive power automatic compensation technology reduces the restriction of on-site power supply capacity to vector inspection test:

5. Programmable operation, intelligent test.

Application range:

The relay protection vector debugging simulation test device is suitable for the relay protection vector simulation test of substations with voltage levels of 1000kV and below.

Hebei HuanHai Import And Export Trading Co., Ltd. All rights reserved Ji ICP Bei no.19028693-1
Tel/Wechat/Whatsapp:+86-18331100093 Email:sales02@electric-hz.com