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ADD: Electeicity Valley Tech Centre, No.3088 LeKai Street, Hi-tech Zone, Baoding, HeBei,China
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UHV and pressure equipmentCurrent Location:Home > PRODUCTS

800kV Fully automatic AC withstand voltage test platform

Integrated platform, on-vehicle test;

Fully automatic deployment, no need to assemble and build;

The 500kV GIS withstand voltage test only needs 3 people and can be completed in half a day.

Core technology and innovation:

1. Fusion pressure measurement patent technology, reactor built-in voltage divider;

2. The reactor has built-in compensation capacitors, airlift rated voltage, and system self-check;

3. The reactor with special structure is transported horizontally and tested vertically;

4. Missile launch vehicle-style erection and deployment technology;

5. The platform gets on and off autonomously without hoisting;

6. Hydraulic self-balancing buffer technology in place, safe and reliable;

Hebei HuanHai Import And Export Trading Co., Ltd. All rights reserved Ji ICP Bei no.19028693-1
Tel/Wechat/Whatsapp:+86-18331100093 Email:sales02@electric-hz.com